# Network

In this class, we will be using a private Ethereum network, which is a proof-of-work based network. This is how original cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum are setup and require miners to compute cryptographic puzzles to gain coins.

# Network ID

Ethereum networks have a unique ID (ChainId) to avoid collisions, the one for ClassNet is: 1337

# Bootnode


To join ClassNet, we provide one bootstrapping node (bootnode (opens new window)). A bootnode is your point of entry onto the network. It is the first node you connect to and it helps you connect to others on the network.

# Exploring Block and Network

BlockScout (opens new window) allows you to view all transactions, accounts and contracts on the network, similar to Etherscan (opens new window) in Ethereum.

# Contracts

In the following example we can see the address of a contract and the log of all the transactions it has received. This includes its creation as well as a call to the Vote method.

Example of BlocksScout inspecting contract

# Miners Statistics

You can also check the state of the network and miners via Eth-netstat (opens new window).

Ethstats GUI

# Faucet Service

If you run out of coins, request some via our faucet service (opens new window). You must login with your Georgia Tech account and can only request once a day.