# Token

The goal of this level is for you to hack the basic token contract below.

You are given 20 tokens to start with and you will beat the level if you somehow manage to get your hands on any additional tokens. Preferably a very large amount of tokens.

Have you heard of an integer overflow (opens new window) in CS101?

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract Token {

  mapping(address => uint) balances;
  uint public totalSupply;

  constructor(uint _initialSupply) public {
    balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply = _initialSupply;

  function transfer(address _to, uint _value) public returns (bool) {
    require(balances[msg.sender] - _value >= 0);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;
    return true;

  function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint balance) {
    return balances[_owner];


This challenge in CaptureTheEther (opens new window) is also easy to solve!