# Pirate Ship

Ahoy, landlubber! The pirate ship "Black Pearl" is at anchor. Make it pull the anchor and haul the black jack flag to set off for the search of treasures.

pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

// ref. https://etherhack.positive.com/#/level/0xfa0aad4c1f7c5e0dd8370a97181a776daaa76799

contract PirateShip {
    address public anchor = 0x0;
    bool public blackJackIsHauled = false;

    function sailAway() public {
        require(anchor != 0x0);

        address a = anchor;
        uint size = 0;
        assembly {
            size := extcodesize(a)
        if(size > 0) {
            revert(); // it is too early to sail away

        blackJackIsHauled = true; // Yo Ho Ho!

    function pullAnchor() public {
        require(anchor != 0x0);
        require(anchor.call()); // raise the anchor if the ship is ready to sail away

    function dropAnchor(uint blockNumber) public returns(address addr) {
        // the ship will be able to sail away in 100k blocks time
        require(blockNumber > block.number + 100000);

        // if(block.number < blockNumber) { throw; }
        // suicide(msg.sender);

        uint[8] memory a;
        a[0] = 0x6300;      // PUSH4 0x00...
        a[1] = blockNumber; // ...block number (3 bytes)
        a[2] = 0x43;        // NUMBER
        a[3] = 0x10;        // LT
        a[4] = 0x58;        // PC
        a[5] = 0x57;        // JUMPI
        a[6] = 0x33;        // CALLER
        a[7] = 0xff;        // SELFDESTRUCT

        uint code = assemble(a);

        // init code to deploy contract: stores it in memory and returns appropriate offsets
        uint[8] memory b;
        b[0] = 0;             // allign
        b[1] = 0x6a;          // PUSH11
        b[2] = code;          // contract
        b[3] = 0x6000;        // PUSH1 0
        b[4] = 0x52;          // MSTORE
        b[5] = 0x600b;        // PUSH1 11 ;; length
        b[6] = 0x6015;        // PUSH1 21 ;; offset
        b[7] = 0xf3;          // RETURN

        uint initcode = assemble(b);
        uint sz = getSize(initcode);
        uint offset = 32 - sz;

        assembly {
            let solidity_free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40)
            mstore(solidity_free_mem_ptr, initcode)
            addr := create(0, add(solidity_free_mem_ptr, offset), sz)

        require(addr != 0x0);
        anchor = addr;

    ///////////////// HELPERS /////////////////

    function assemble(uint[8] chunks) internal pure returns(uint code) {
        for(uint i=chunks.length; i>0; i--) {
            code ^= chunks[i-1] << 8 * getSize(code);

    function getSize(uint256 chunk) internal pure returns(uint) {
        bytes memory b = new bytes(32);
        assembly { mstore(add(b, 32), chunk) }
        for(uint32 i = 0; i< b.length; i++) {
            if(b[i] != 0) {
                return 32 - i;
        return 0;