---------- Lab05: rop ---------- Return-oriented programming (ROP). It is, in essence, same as ret-to-lib(c) that we've learned last week, but remember all binaries are somewhat complicated. Have fun! * Problems + [level 01] rop-basic [20 points] + [level 02] rop-simple [20 points] + [level 03] rop-64 [20 points] + [level 04] upto-retaddr [20 points] + [level 05] static [20 points] + [level 06] puzzle [20 points] + [level 07] source-code [20 points] + [level 08] fmtstr-relro [20 points] + [level 09] sprintf [20 points] + [level 10] inc1 [20 points] You need 110 points to get the full grade. * Refs - https://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-08/Shacham/BH_US_08_Shacham_Return_Oriented_Programming.pdf - http://blog.exploitlab.net/2013/06/dive-into-rop-blackhat-usa-2013.html